La Roque d'Anthéron Tourisme
La Roque organic lamb
La Roque organic lamb

La Roque organic lamb

Do you love organic meat ? Order your lamb direct from the farmer with Chrislaine Alazard…



The farm has been in La Roque's countryside since 2003.

Chrislaine moved her breeding farm into organic farming. She produces fodder and oats on the farm and the livestock's feed is exclusively organic.

There are 750 sheep in her Mérinos d’Arles flock and the farm produces top quality organic lamb approved as "agriculture biologique" (organic farming) by the Ecocert sas accreditation body.
The lambs are raised as "sucklings".


Lamb available to order for direct sales, January to September, in packs of half-lamb portions (leg, shoulder, chop, neck, belly) and whole lamb for collection on Friday from the sheep farm.
The farm also sells: cured meat, offal, poultry etc.

Chrislaine ALAZARD
Quartier Silvacane - D 23
+33 (0)6 60 82 52 68

Trip idea

The farm is part of the annual "de ferme en ferme" event that's held in the last weekend of April.

Farms taking part in the event open to the general public and are part of a sustainable agriculture project. The farmers show visitors around their farms, introduce them to what they do and provide tastings (over 650 farms open to the general public).

As part of the event, the farm provides tours where you can bottle feed the lambs and feed the sheep.

Recipe idea…

1 leg of lamb - bay leaves - sprigs of thyme and rosemary - a few garlic cloves - olive oil - salt - pepper.
Preheat the oven to 200°C
Place the leg in a roasting tray. Sprinkle with thyme and bay leaves and surround with garlic cloves. Season with salt, pepper, add olive oil and put in the oven.
Drop the temperature to 180°C
Roast for around 45 mins and baste regularly.
Cover in foil, turn the oven off and leave the leg to rest in the oven for 10 mins before serving. Serve with fresh green beans in garlic and parsley or fried potatoes in parsley.

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