La Roque d'Anthéron Tourisme

La Colombe au Pigeonnier

Step into the wonderful world of illumination...
The medieval art is all about self-expression through image and brings you a world of finesse and refinement...




Valérie's illuminations capture the creativity of medieval artists: it's painstaking work with incredibly rich and delicate designs; a gateway to an internal path...


The artist uses "traditional" methods to work on natural or dyed parchment with pigments and gold leaf.


The parchment comes from sheep, calf or goatskin and the colours come from plant, animal or mineral pigments blended with a binder made just like in medieval times.


Visitor information

Visit on demand by appointement

Atelier d'enluminure
10 rue du Pigonnier
+33 (0)6 14 34 04 58

Good to know !

Have a go at illuminations in bespoke one-to-one lessons: spend a full day or half-day creating your own designs...

Course information

You can meet the artist at artisan markets, exhibitions and art galleries. She gives pottery her creative touch too: sculptures in red or white sandstone and clay.

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La Roque d'Anthéron Tourisme
13 cours Foch 13640 La Roque d'Anthéron
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La Roque d'Anthéron Tourisme