Symbol of metamorphosis... the crawling caterpillar transforms itself into an elegant butterfly with extraordinary colours.
Take the time to observe, to stop at the edge of the paths, you will discover an exciting world: a truly amazing world... to be discovered at ground level!
A world where wonder is the order of the day! Do you know for example that :
- The Lemon of Provence holds the record for longevity among butterflies: it will live for 10 months...
- Zygens have very bright colours, preventing predators from filling their bodies with toxins (cyanide for this species!).
- the Death's Head Sphinx loves honey and is able to invite itself into a beehive to pierce with its sharp proboscis, the operculum of the cells and satisfy its greed.
- the Machaon's caterpillar, when it is worried, releases two kinds of horn spreading a repulsive odour
- Sylvain's caterpillar, at a very young age, covers his body with his excrement, a good plan to be repulsive to predators!
- the caterpillar of a variety of Azure is recovered by ants. It will feed on larvae in the anthill, and in exchange, provide the ants with honeydew which they love.
We invite you to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of butterflies and flowers...
The ideal observation period is of course spring. In the hot summer hours, if the butterflies are still active, the vegetation and flowers take a summer break ...
Test your knowledge...
Will you be able to assign the host plant that each caterpillar feeds on to these different butterflies ...
(See the file in pdf format)